Posts Tagged With: nes

Nerdy Bits: ‘Hunger Games’ Bad Lip Reading, Sleep With Thor and Loki, Doctor Who Work Out, Han Solo vs Gangnam Style and MOAR!

Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

Above: They’re at it again — the fine folks at All C’s Collectibles in Aurora, Colorado are continuing in their crusade to help the victims of the Aurora Theater tragedy with Aurora Rise. This time they had J. Scott Campbell on hand for a signing at their shop and according to the Aurora Rise Facebook page (which you should absolutely like) they raised over $900 for the victims. To learn more about the Aurora Rise cause and how you can help, go to

Would you like to own a Dalek? Well you’re in luck, “Firebox is selling these $5,700 Dalek replicas made from the same molds and specs as the originals by the BBC’s props department.” That’s chump change, but it does come with this warning,

WARNING: The Dalek produced by ‘this planet earth ltd’ is sold purely as a collector’s item. IT IS NOT A TOY. Despite the fact that this reproduction TV prop enables the user to enter the inside of the Dalek, ‘this planet earth ltd’ do not recommend this action. ‘this planet earth ltd’ cannot be held responsible for any injury caused to the owner or any third party during the course of misuse for purpose.

What! You can’t stop me from entering my $5,700 Dalek! [Geekologie]

Wanna cuddle up with Thor and Loki? Shit, who doesn’t! Well, fans of Asgard, bedding next to your two favorite gods can happen. All you gotta do is buy this bizarre Thor and Loki blanket from Etsy. [Nerd Approved]

Feeling fat and lazy while you’re watching Doctor Who, and The Doctor and his companions are running, dodging, jumping all about? Participate in the Doctor Who Workout and always being in TARDIS-travelling shape. [TDW: Geek]

Huh, so maybe that’s why [insert reference to AvX #11] happened? [Nerd Approved]

Florida State University marching band does Game of Thrones. This brings a whole new level to the phrase “band geek”. [TDWGeek]

NES zapper modded to shoot actual lasers. Every duck on Earth just shat itself. [ObviousWinner]

Another day, another Gangam Style parody video. I for one, am pretty sick of these. Gangam Style has quickly turned into this generations Macarena. With that said, imma make an exception for this parody featuring Han Solo. [SlashFilm]

The hilarious dudes and dudettes from ‘Bad Lip Reading’ are back. This time, they verbally insert their funny dubs to The Hunger Games. I really wish they would do WHOLE movies like this. [TheHighDefinite]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy…TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)

(Click images to buy shirts)

Don’t forget about our Nerd Bastards’ tees, available at Split Reason!

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