Watch_Dogs gameplay

Watch_Dogs Open World Gameplay Video Released

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For some reason, as good as it’s looked, I hadn’t been able to get into Watch_Dogs; that changed today.

Now, I still don’t like how the controls look like they’ll play out; the movements seem repetitive (just watch that roll, over and over again), the driving and combat don’t look like anything spectacular, and I can’t help but think that the hacking-on-the-fly aspect of the game will make gameplay feel cumbersome. Aside from that though, this gameplay clip shows that the title still has a lot to offer, and that comes from the concepts of the game that are totally original.

The fact that random events will be popping up as you’re traversing the fictional city based on Chicago is pretty cool, but that wasn’t what got to me. To me, the fact that other players can enter your game and try to hack and kill you, and vice versa, makes this game insanely more appealing. I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t want to go around and steal from his or her friends, essentially playing a game of high-tech hide and seek.

With my interest piqued, I do find myself looking forward to playing on the morality choices that you can make in the game. I mean, with all of the information at your fingertips, that’s a tempting situation to drop gamers into. Personally, I’d steal everything. Who the hell plays video games to be a decent human being?

I can’t say that I’m not worried about the different gameplay mechanics, and most likely, I’ll be worried about them until I actually get my hands on the game. If they can somehow meld each facet of the game together, enabling the player to have the ability to run, hack, drive, and shoot, all at the same time, I will be impressed. I don’t wanna be pessimistic, but I’m thinking it might make gameplay a bit too over-busy and complicated. I hope to stand corrected, as I like the concept of hacking everything in the environment to change the landscape in favor of the one guy against everyone. Here’s to hoping the game lives up to the hype, and not my expectations…

[Coming Soon]

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