Nerdy Bits

Nerdy Bits: Jessica Nigri as Mad Moxxi, Robin Hot Pants, If Breaking Bad Was a Cartoon Series, How to Make Star Wars VII Good, and MOAR!!!


Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

ABOVE: Cosplayer extraordinaire Jessica Nigri was spotted at Montreal Comic Con dressed as Mad Moxxie. It’s maddening how naturally gorgeous this girl is. “Insert your tip”… oh, sometimes these deviant dressed cosplayers make it all too easy. [GeeksAreSexy]


Breaking Bad blue sky Iron Throne made from from fake Meth, aka 3D printer plastic. You can download the instructions below and make a meth throne of your very own. or you can just purchase one for $69.99 [NerdApproved]


Robin hot pants. I really hope that’s a girl modeling these off, other wise there’s nothing really all that wonderful about “The Boy Wonder”. [FashionablyGeek]


Man has 19 surgeries, totaling $7,000(USD), to look like Superman. Seems like a lot of money and effort to pursue truth, justice and the virginian way. [Technabob]


How much would it cost to live in a pineapple under the sea? Oh lawd, the lengths real estate agents will go to promote their business, via a cartoon based infographic, reeks of desperation. [unique daily]

If Breaking Bad was a cartoon series. This reminds me of SNL’s Cartoon Tv Funhouse. Maybe next, we could get a Stark vs. House Lannister on Family Feud. [TVOvermind]

JJ Abrams is set to direct Episode VII, Screen Junkies pulled together a panel to find out what needs to happen for the best Star Wars film. How to make it good? KEEP LUCAS AWAY FROM IT! [Screen Junkies]

Cookie monster spoofs Hollywood. You’ll have to let me know if this was funny. I’m on a wheat/sugar free diet and Cookie monsters does nothing but make me crave cookies. I had to remove myself from the temptation by not watching. [TheMarySue]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy… TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)




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And don’t forget the ever-popular official Nerd Bastards tee available at Red Bubble:



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Nerdy Bits: Le Sexy Femme Captain America, Mark Hamill Vs Rancor (Again), Benedict Cumberbatch-esque Name Generator, Russian Mortal Kombat Shawarma Master, and MOAR!!!


Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

ABOVE: Le sexy femme Captain America cosplay by Ariel Clough. I pledge allegiance to the flag… [FashionablyGeek]


Apparently, Mark Hamill still has a bone to pick with the Rancor. [NerdApproved]


Sometimes interior decorating feels like the Kobayashi Maru. Should your mirror face a door? Should the trim be red, or blue? It can seem unwinnable… but James T. Kirk, can help you with this USS Enterprise rug. [Technabob]


Legend of Zelda Wind Waker cake [ThatsNerdalicious]


Carnage cosplay made by THEAWESOMESPIN. This looks so legit, that when I first saw it my brain instantly compelled me to search out sonic based weapons. [ObviousWinner]

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Generate your own Benedict Cumberbatc-esque name with this name generator. I’ve told Mrs. Nerd Bastards our first child name shall be Snorkeldink Crimpysnitch. She was not amused. [Geekosystem]

50 things a geek should know. Hey now, I think of myself well acute to all forms of nerdy, but I clearly have some gaps of knowledge. What the hell is the PSU paper clip trick or who is the patron St. of computers? What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything? I feel like some nerd demerits are in order. []

Russian Mortal Kombat Shawarma master. If this guy gives you onions when you asked for “no onions”, I would suggest you STFU and back away slowly. You gonna question that giant sword? [Geekologie]

and now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy… TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)




(click ’em to buy ’em)

And don’t forget the ever-popular official Nerd Bastards tee available at Red Bubble:



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