
Exclusive Preview: ‘Deathstroke’ #17

DC has sent along an exclusive preview of the next issue of Deathstroke, because it knows how much we love ninjas.

Currently, Deathstroke is being written by Justin Jordan, who knows his way around antiheroes. Jordan is the writer behind the Luther Strode miniseries from Image Comics, Hack/Slash, and also turns in a strong book with Valiant’s relaunch of Shadowman. Jordan is a bit underappreciated in our view; he’s often very witty, and writes an effective action scene.

Currently, Slade Wilson is in Japan, because ninjas have been hired to kill him. We could recap the whole book, but, really, do you need to hear anything else other than one of DC’s major hand-to-hand badasses fighting a whole bunch of ninjas? Oh, and they’re also fighting on a bullet train. Somehow, we don’t think this will end in the train getting to the station on time.

The art team is a mix of the new and the experienced. Edgar Salazar handles pencils, having worked extensively at Dynamite on books like Queen Sonya, The Death-Defying Devil, and Warlord of Mars. The inks, meanwhile, are courtesy of Scott Hanna, a name you’ll probably recognize because he’s one of the hardest working inkers in the business, and has spent literally decades in the comics industry.

So, Slade Wilson, ninjas, bullet train… let’s see how that works out.

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