Of Course Matt Smith Will be at The ‘Doctor Who’ 50th Celebration Weekend


For all of those who live in the UK or have plans to wander that way in November, the Doctor Who Official 50th Celebration Weekend will have Matt Smith in attendance. He’ll be hanging around, doing his thing at signing booths and panels. Which is funny, ’cause I kinda assumed he would’ve had to show up, seeing how he’s the current Doctor and all that. Where else would he be? He may even show up with a fez.

As we know, Smith’s run as the Eleventh Doctor will be coming to a close this Christmas. Other past Doctors that will be there include Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker and Tom Baker (Although he’s only doing a cameo appearance that weekend). Apparently, more big-name guests will be announced in the coming weeks.

Other things they’ve got planned for the weekend include learning how to walk like a monster with the official Who monster choreographer, Alisa Burke. Also, stunt school, quizzes, theater shows. And mostly just epic nerdery.

Tickets go on sale at 11am July 8th. Although it’s not clear which time zone that is (I suppose it doesn’t matter when you’re a Time Lord), we can safely assume it’s London time… whatever that time zone is called.

You can check out the official site for more details.

Source: Digital Spy

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