Scott Porter Takes the Initiative in Casting Himself for ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

Normally, one sits around and waits for casting to begin before expressing an interest in a role. The studio looks for people that it wants, drags them into a room to fight to the death and the victor has a job. Or at least that’s how I’ve heard it’s done… Sometimes people get a little gung-ho about wanting a role, as demonstrated by Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights) who’s put it out there that he not only wants to be in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie, but that he wants to play Nova specifically.

Despite the fact that Nova may or may not even be making an appearance, Porter is pretty adamant about wanting this. He has insisted that Nova needs to be in the film and that he’s the best guy for the job, citing his own personal GotG obsession as a reason for him to be top-of-the-list.

Admittedly, the guy does have some comic-movie cred. He was on the short-list for casting both in the role of Captain America and as the Flash in the DC film that got lost in limbo. He’s been the voice of the X-Men’s Cyclops on several occasions. He’s also been an avid reader of Guardians of the Galaxy almost since day one.

While chatting with MTV, Porter had these words to say:

As far as superheroes go, I’m the voice of Cyclops in a couple different projects, which was very cool. But I still would love to play a superhero in live action. Marvel just announced that they’re going to do ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ which is another property that I love and that I read growing up, and I’d love to play Nova. I think any kid who gets into the acting business, I think they have a couple of things that they always want to do. For me it was: play a war hero, play an athlete, which I got to do, die a horrible death in a horror movie, which I’ve gotten to do, and then be a superhero. So I’ve marked two things off the list, and am working at the others.

Gunn is a unique choice. But I think that he could be a really great shepherd for that property. I think ‘Guardians’ is going to be a lot of fun I think it’s going to be really cool. I thought the next thing that I would try and go after would probably be ‘Heroes For Hire,’ but it looks like ‘Guardians’ is around, so…

Seems like the guy actually knows his stuff and he’s eager to jump on board. Porter might be a good choice should they need a Nova, though I can’t say I’m familiar with his acting skills.

What do the fair Nerdreaders have to say on the subject? Have you seen Porter act? Can he pull off a decent Nova? Should Nova even be included in the GotG team?

Expect casting to start in earnest real soon and the movie to hit theaters on August 1st, 2014.

Thanks to screenrant for the heads-up.

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